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T.R.U. Ball Release FulKrum Flex Quicksilver
ab 299,00 €   Stück
inkl. 20% MwSt, zzgl. Versand
Art-Nr. 20241013-13
Menge Stück
Größe 3 Finger M
3 Finger L (+ 40,00 €)

The Fulkrum Flex is a micro adjustable hinge/back tension release, with a nicely weighted QS brass body, an enclosed smooth index finger and knurled middle, ring and pinky fingers, so its sure to provide a great feel. The Fulkrum Flex features the comfort flex technology that allows the archer to select infinite finger bed locations on both the third finger and fourth finger handle pieces. Each piece can individually move 30 degrees. The Fulkrum Flex has the lever alignment system LAS technology that allows the archer to move the head of the release around the outside edge of the index finger, this moves the Fulkrum point of the release to different locations that make the release fire easier in different individual shooting styles. The Fulkrum Flex also allows the archers who have accuracy robbing string or vane contact with their face at full draw the ability to adjust this with the LAS.

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