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Hoyt Handle Satori
ab 529,00 €   Stück
inkl. 20% MwSt, zzgl. Versand
Art-Nr. 20190820-28
Menge Stück
Ausführung RH - rechts Hand
LH - links Hand
Länge 17 Zoll
19 Zoll
21 Zoll
Farbe Storm

Traditional and hunting style recurve riser from Hoyt.

Key features:

Trusted Earl Hoyt geometry.
Adjustable shelf module for tuneable centreshot combined with simple, traditional style off the shelf shooting.
Can be used with flipper style rest if desired.
Micro limb alignment.
Range of riser lengths available.
Included items: Adjustable shelf module, calf hair side plate, rug rest, tillerbolt lock-down wrench, stringer and carry case.

Technical specifications:

Limb Fitting: ILF
Material: Aluminium.
Length Options: 17", 19" or 21"
Weight: 17": 2.25lbs/ 1020grams. 19": 2.4lbs/ 1088grams. 21": 2.54lbs / 1155 grams
Handedness: RH or LH
Finish: Black or Buckskin


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