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Bohning Vanes ICE
ab 0,39 €   Stück
inkl. 20% MwSt, zzgl. Versand
Art-Nr. 20141020-08
Menge Stück
ab 100 Stück -10,00 %
Farbe Black
Neon Green
Neon Orange
Neon Yellow
Hot Pink
Neon Red

Key features:

•The Ice Vane’s durability and tight groupings make it well-suited to compound target archery. Dimensions: 76.2mm long x 7.62mm high
•This vane is available 36 and 100 packs in the following colours: Black, White, Neon Green, Neon Orange, Neon Yellow, Hot Pink, Red, Purple, Blue and Neon Red
Recommendations for use of the Ice Vane per Pierre-Julien, Dominique, and Sebastien:

1.Best fletched at offset of 1 or 1.5 ᵒ : provides best grouping, avoids impact upon release and tearing upon contact with target
2.Best with use of heavy and thin shafts such as Easton X10 Protour, Carbon Express Nano Pro, etc., or by using a field point of at least 110 grains
3.Fletching is easy with the Ice Vane: Pierre-Julien uses Blazer Bond and has never lost any vanes, with or without wraps, even when arrow passed through the target
Summary: The Ice Vanes’ advantage is with compound archery because of its durability (maintains its shape), accuracy, design and the confidence obtained using it. According to Pierre-Julien, this vane is of “the best material (he has) ever shot”.


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