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Shrewd Pivot Swivel Quick Disconnect
Shrewd Pivot Swivel Quick Disconnect
59,99 €   Stück
inkl. 20% MwSt, zzgl. Versand
Art-Nr. 20231222-11
Menge Stück

The Pivot Swivel Quick Disconnect enables easy storage and removal of a front stabilizer.
Designed for hunters the Pivot Swivel makes movement through thick brush and under growth a hassle-free event.
A quick twist of the front stabilizer allows archers to pivot the stabilizer up 90° and lock it in place.
Once stowed, the stabilizer serves as an easy carry handle for your bow.
Incorporated with the QD is an adjustable wrist sling built to last.
To ensure the stabilizer can properly pivot up and clear your bowsight, it is recommended measuring from the front of the bushing of the bow to the bottom of the scope housing.
Subtract an inch and compare that dimension to the length of your stabilizer.
If your stabilizer is shorter than your measured distance it is compatible with the pivot.
Built in adjustable wrist sling
Wrist sling may be removed if not desired
Durable anodized finish and stainless steel hardware
CNC machined body
Made in the USA


Pivot Disconnect body
19" braded wrist sling
Barrel nut
5/16"-24 X 3/4"
10-32 X 3/8" set screw (x2)

Leicht verstaubarer Stabilisator Pivot System.
Abnehmbare Handgelenkschlaufe
Integrierte Schnellkupplung zum einfachen Entfernen des vorderen Stabilisators
Langlebige eloxierte Oberfläche und Hardware aus rostfreiem Stahl
CNC-gefrästes Aluminiumgehäuse

19" geflochtene Handgelenkschlaufe
5/16"-24 X 3/4"-SCHRAUBEN
10-32 X 3/8" Stellschraube (x2)

Gesamtgewicht (inkl. Schlinge): 2.06 OZ
Gesamtlänge: 1.55"


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