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PSE Compound Bow Lazer
ab 829,00 €   Stück
inkl. 20% MwSt, zzgl. Versand
Art-Nr. 20211203-52
Menge Stück
Zuggewicht 60 - 50 lbs
50 - 40 lbs
40 - 30 lbs
Ausführung rechts Hand (RH)
links Hand (LH)
Farbe Black
Platinum Titanium
Navy Blue
Rose Gold
Black Cherry

Loaded with premium features.
Attractive price point for a performance target bow.
Straight riser design for additional stiffness and stability.
NF cam for a smooth and consistent shot.
Adjustable design to match the archers shooting style.
Features two front stabilizer mounts for more stabilizer options.

Mass Weight: 2041 gram
Draw Length: 24.0 - 30.5 inch
Poundage: 30 - 60 lbs
Factory Speed: 323 fps
Axle to Axle: 37 inch
Brace Height: 7.5 inch
Let-off %75 %
Material: Aluminium
Finish: Anodized
Cam TypeNF

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Speed: 420 fps
neuer Artikel erstellt am 10.01.2018-06:39

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