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neuer Artikel erstellt am 25.08.2021-04:22
X-Bow FMA Supersonic Crossbow Bag
24,99 €   Stück
inkl. 20% MwSt, zzgl. Versand
Art-Nr. 20210806-07
Menge Stück

Store your X-Bow FMA Supersonic crossbow safely in this original X-Bow crossbow bag.
Two compartments so that the bow can be safely stored without the accessories in the same compartment.
Front compartment can be used for accessories such as bolts and other accesories.
Total depth of bag: 24 cm
Depth main compartment: 21 cm

Width1: 1.81 inch
Length: 18.90 inch
Internal Height: 21 centimetre
Internal Width: 48 centimetre

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