Datenschutz · Impressum · Growing Bow · Bogenladen und 3 D Parcours
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neuer Artikel erstellt am 23.11.2019-05:51
Hamskea Arrow Puller Arojac
ab 199,00 €   Stück
inkl. 20% MwSt, zzgl. Versand
Art-Nr. 20210831-06
Menge Stück
Zubehör ohne Holster
mit Holster (+ 24,00 €)

• Allows you to safely pull any arrow, anytime, anywhere!
• Designed to pull arrows from 3-D targets
• Grips the arrow shaft with its self gripping jaws, while the lever handle is rotated backwards causing the jaws to move away from the target
• Great for women and kids

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