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Art-Nr. 20200203-01
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100GR 2-BLADE 3/PK

With a 2-inch cutting diameter, the Trypan NC cuts huge entry holes upon impact from the .039-inch-thick razor-sharp machine-stamped blades. Once deployed, the head’s Slip Cam™ design allows the stainless-steel blades to effortlessly slide into an optimized position with perfect attitude for cutting diameter and penetration. The newly incorporated NC (No Collar) technology integrated blade containment system utilizes cutting-edge finger-like tabs on the blades’ pivot point to “anchor” the blades in place while in the closed position. This technology completely eliminates the need for a Shock Collar, dental band or O-ring, while still providing a 100% reliable blade retention system. With a narrow profile, needle-like titanium ferrule and Ferrule Alignment Technology achievement of field point-like accuracy in flight is second nature, while still offering devastating results upon impact.

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