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neuer Artikel erstellt am 23.03.2019-05:24
Uukha Altai
ab 999,00 €   Paar
inkl. 20% MwSt, zzgl. Versand
Art-Nr. 20201128-20
Menge Paar
Zuggewicht 30 lbs
35 lbs
40 lbs
45 lbs
50 lbs
55 lbs
Länge Short = 60 Zoll for 19 Zoll Risers
Medium = 62 Zoll for 19 Zoll Risers
Long = 64 Zoll for 19 Zoll Risers

The Altaï is constructed with 100% carbon, and a new extensively optimized structure, which offers the
best speed, stability, and smoothness that we have shot so far.
This is the best choice for archers seeking the ultimate in accuracy, speed, and arrow grouping, as well as
shooting pleasure.
Thanks to the S-Curve profile, the draw is easy and smooth.
Vibration damping provides comfort.

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